A special characteristic of the school-work programmes designed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with schools is that students are involved in developing a product cooperatively. Today, we will take a look at what Emma and Giorgia, two 18-year-old students at the Liceo Stanislao Cannizzaro in Rome, produced with the help of Marco Brocchieri and Matteo Viscogliosi, coaches at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
In this short video interview with Eleonora Curatola, Emma and Giorgia describe how their intelligent reading desk developed with Arduino works when you place a book on it.
A group of 25 students at the Liceo Stanislao Cannizzaro in Rome, coordinated by Professor Sandra De Amicis, participated in the "Fab Lab: Shaping Ideas" school-work programme which addressed the design and development of Arduino-based objects in the digital manufacturing lab at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Un gruppo di 25 studenti del liceo Stanislao Cannizzaro di Roma, coordinati dalla docente Sandra De Amicis, sono stati i protagonisti del percorso di alternanza scuola-lavoro "Fab Lab: dare forma alle idee", che parte dalla programmazione della scheda Arduino per arrivare alla progettazione e alla realizzazione di un oggetto nel laboratorio di fabbricazione digitale della Palestra dell'Innovazione.