Nòva24, the technology magazine of daily “Il Sole 24ore” dedicated last Sunday’s front cover to “questions about art to machines.” Simone Arcagni, a professor at the University of Palermo and new media scholar, helps us to understand the expressive potential of new technology and the ability of artist to interpret the technological present and future.
The insert, in augmented reading, includes three photos and focuses from the Human+. The future of Our Species, along with an interview with Valentino Catricalà, Artistic Director of the Media Art Festival.
Questions about Art to Machines
This i show the community of creatives and designers imagines the future, automation, robotics and artificial intelligence.
The reflection by the Cyborg Foundation on the future of our physical beings as a personal choice
The shows, appointments and events that try to forecast what the future of technology will look like
Valentino Catricalà, exhibition curator and technology art theoretician