Registration is underway for Flip Me Present Imperfect, Flipped Future, the first conference on working didactic practices organized by Flipnet in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The conference will be held in Rome on October 7 (9:30 am) at the Centro Congressi Auditorium del Massimo where nearly 1000 teachers from all types of schools will meet to present new educational scenarios and digital opportunities based on inclusive and creative flipped & cooperative learning. Sector experts and professors will introduce the various topics through 12 presentations in the plenary session, followed by workshops and practical activities. A showcase area includes stands to meet companies, associations and professionals operating in the Education sector.
The Flipped Classroom Model, which was first developed in the United States in the nineties, is now winning over Italian teachers and students. According to data presented by the Flipnet Association, one of the first organisations to promote flipped learning in Italy, there now are about 2000 teachers who have decided to experiment with this methodology that brings together quality and maximum inclusion. And not just with textbooks. Classes work in teams with smartphones, tablets and computers, while at home students can enjoy video tutorials and other content developed directly by teachers.
"Sharing is not just a method to improve something. It is also the only way to be competitive in the digital era. Thanks to the flipped classroom, students learn by sharing time, homework and emotions. No one is left behind with his or her problems. Even school issues. And no teacher feels abandoned, either, with the flipped classroom methodology. We are a united, international and inclusive educational community and we want to run the risk of educating humans that are even better than us,” explains Maurizio Maglioni, President of the Flipnet Association, Secondary School Teacher and co-author of the “Flipped Classroom.”
Conference programme:
Conference registration: