From blockchain technology to regional vaccine registers and the production of intelligent gadgets to promote family health information. Thanks to a course promoted by the Italian Hygiene, Prevention and Public Health Society (SITI), 24 health professionals explored the potential of digital technology for disease prevention and cure, working together on the development of innovative solutions for public health and to make services more resilient, accessible and efficient.
The digital training workshop for public health was developed with the support of MSD Italia, which took interest in the proposal presented by SITI and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
As MSD President and CEO Nicoletta Luppi declared at the “About Pharma” Digital Awards, “Digital Transformation is an integral part of our concept of 360-degree innovation thanks to our courses and the cutting-edge channels, technology and services custom-tailored to the needs of patients and health professionals with the final objective of creating new value for the National Health Service.”
SITI experimented a specific training programme for public health professionals through six intensive workshops, totalling about 50 hours between December 2018 and February 2019, in the digital environments at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale’s Phyrtual Innovation Gym. The course on “Digital Transformation in Public Health” ended last Saturday with a creative development marathon addressing how to communicate the value of vaccination. The common work session also employed the Lego Serious Play Method.
The course provided by SITI to 24 professionals from a variety of sectors (ASL, vaccine centres, universities, etc.) addressed experiential education on cutting-edge technological developments - Big Data, AI, machine learning, IOT, blockchain, mixed reality, social media - as a concrete tool to support scientific research and hygiene services, from awareness raising to service distribution. The course was held at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Phyrtual Innovation Gym, an environment with a range of high-tech labs. Each session was enriched by scientific mini-talks and a practical lab for contextualizing and applying the addressed technology (including vaccine and pathology registers).
"Will innovative applications convince more people to get vaccinations? Will more individuals participate in screening activities? In the coming weeks, we will evaluate the results that emerged from Digital Academy to study concrete answers to the chronic issues of the health system, from waiting lists to the prevention system,” explains Prof. Carlo Signorelli, Educational Programme Scientific Manager at ECM, who also involved some of his specialisation students in the course.
"We believe that the digital environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym are ideal for developing innovative and inclusive digital transformation solutions. We act as facilitators, helping to develop social innovation,” adds Alfonso Molina, Personal Chair in Technology Strategy, University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, which provided not only facilities, but also coaches, models and methodologies.
The course programme and interview with the protagonists are available at: