What does it mean to be human today? What will it be like in a hundred years? How is technology changing our lives and lifestyles?
You will find answers to these and other questions at the “Human+. The Future of Our Species” Exhibition that will be held at the Rome Palazzo delle Esposizioni from February to July 2018. The exhibition will include the works of artists, designers and scientists to imagine new scenarios and possible worlds.
The “Human+. The Future of Our Species” Exhibition gave rise to Project Mix User Experience - MUX, promoted by the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, for original artistic productions at the Media Art Festival focusing on the creative contexts of artificial intelligence.
Italian Section on Exhibition
As part of the “Human+” Exhibition, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will organise the "Human, Superhuman?" Section dedicated to the Italian challenge to artificial intelligence. Internationally renowned artists and works will be selected by Valentino Catricalà, Artistic Director of the Media Art Festival. "What is the purpose of being human?" The answer is provided through seven works by four artists (Paolo Cirio, Donato Piccolo, Roberto Pugliese, Davide Quayola) and two collectives (AOS, None Collective).
The MUX Contest
The “Human+. The Future of Our Species” Exhibition gave rise to “MUX” Contest, promoted by the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The contest is dedicated to schools, professionals, makers and designers. The objective of the challenge is to make the exhibition accessible to a greater audience through the development of creative projects (applications, videos, installations, etc.) that can help visitors interact with the showcased works or suggest new applications that will attract new audiences to culture.
Selection of Finalists
The ideas selected by the contest will be presented with elevator pitches at “RomeCup 2018,” the international event dedicated to educational robotics that will be held at the Università Campus Bio-Medico in Rome on April 16-18, 2018. Artificial intelligence and the progress of service technology are amongst the main themes of the event. The jury will select three finalist projects, one in each category (Primary school, Secondary school, professionals or groups).
Finalist Projects Exhibition
The three finalist projects will have one month to develop the digital content that will be exhibited and presented at the Media Art Festival, at the prestigious MAXXI (May 17-19, 2018).