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Programme a Robot!

Programme a Robot!

Programme a Robot!

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale’s coaches and robotic kits are part of Project “Programme a Robot!” promoted by the Istituto tecnico M. Buonarroti in Frascati (Roma), as part of an original school-work programme.


The project is coordinated by computer science teacher Paola Faggiani. “Educational Robotics is an important part of every student’s learning process. Learning to programme a robot helps to develop not only technological and mathematical skills and abilities, but also problem-solving, creativity and group work skills. It is a process that allows young men and women to build their own future through a new approach to various disciplines.”


Project objectives include:

  • Behaviour
  • Motivation
  • Socialisation
  • Subject-based knowledge
  • Methodological skills
  • Tool skills
  • Professional skills
  • Personal enrichment


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale provides expert robotics coaches that can help teachers with their didactic activities, including robot development kits.

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