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Prodigy, in dialogue with young people

Focus group di Prodigy
Foto di Laura Tancredi

Prodigy, in dialogue with young people

Prodigy, in dialogue with young people

Data collection continues. Focus group in Reggio Calabria

A key action of the Prodigy project, which stands for PROmoting Digital and Green Skills for Youth, is the design of tailor-made training courses based on the data collected with an questionnaire online, aimed at young people between 15 and 29 years of age who are not in education, employment or training. The aim is to better understand the difficulties and needs of those who struggle to access training and work, in order to develop concrete and effective support tools.

Meanwhile, the project's focus groups continue in Reggio Calabria, coordinated by Giulia Melissari. The first meeting represented an important opportunity for direct discussion with young people, through interactive and reflective activities such as:

  • Icebreaking. Map of origins and passions: to describe one's roots and motivations
  • The needs tree: to identify the main difficulties in achieving professional and personal goals
  • The map of obstacles and resources: to visualise barriers and strengths in the path to access the world of work
  • Final survey: to collect data useful for defining more effective support strategies.

Data collection via an online questionnaire is a fundamental part of the PRODIGY project, which is active in the Italian cities of Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Naples and Catanzaro. The information collected is essential for the design of free training courses and job support tools, designed to respond in a targeted way to the needs of the most vulnerable young people.

If you are between 15 and 29 years old and want to contribute to the research, take part in the online questionnaire!

For more information, you can contact Annaleda Mazzucato, project manager for Fondazione Mondo Digitale, at the email address

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PROmoting Digital and Green Skills for Youth


Prodigy, which stands for PROmoting Digital and Green Skills for Youth, is an innovative European project for the growth and professional qualification of young people who are not in education...

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