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Prevention at School

Prevention at School

Prevention at School

The Istituto comprensivo Via Casalbianco in Rome, directed by Felicia Savino, is one of the educational hubs of the Social Hosting Hub Network. The school is located in Rome’s “Municipio IV,” an area between Settecamini and Case Rosse, on the Via Tiburtina, on the border with the Municipality of Guidonia. It is considered a high-risk area.


The school has four buildings – two primary schools and two first-degree secondary schools – and a total of 1500 students. The local socio-economic and cultural context in which the school operates is problematic, medium and medium-low. The school welcomes several students with special needs and foreigners. The school PTOF states “around the school, there are many shops with game rooms and video games, and ludopathy is a problem.”


The school aims “to provide all students with equal opportunities for educational success, through diversified learning programmes and aiming for excellence.” Thanks to Project Social Hosting Hub, the school is intensifying “prevention, recovery, consolidation and reinforcement of student abilities, knowledge and skills.”


Barbara Avella is one of the 65 teachers at the school who participated in the course on safe web surfing with Coach Federica Boniolo. “After covering the theory, we received operational ideas to attract students, even the youngest,” explains Barbara. “My colleagues and I have been involved in these courses both as teachers and parents. And examining the characteristics of web surfing, we have gained a better understanding of the web and of our students and children.”




Project Social Hosting Hub is one of the winners of the Impact Challenge on Security, a fund that helps non-profit organisations developing practical and real solutions to contrast hate and extremism, and to help children be safe on- and off-line. The objective of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and partner organisations Action AidComunità di Sant'Egidio and Parole O_Stili, is to create and coordinate the first phyrtual (physical and virtual) ecosystem made of connections, relations and communities.

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