Today, December 20, school headmasters will meet for the second part of the Course on “Directing Innovation” (Corso PON DS Dirigenti scolastici – Dirigere l’innovazione) at IIS V. Capirola in Brescia for the 18-hour course planned by the National Plan for Digital School (PNSD) [see news: Directing Innovation].
The second lab workshop, which will be held from 2-6 pm, will be held by Mauro Del Santo, Fab Lab Coordinator at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Here is a short description of the first meeting from Facebook:
30 headmasters in front of us, looking threatening, are ready for the course on innovation … but they ended up playing just like kids with scissors and paper for our exercise on Design Thinking. We asked them to redesign the faculty room and they came up with great ideas: a garden room, a soft room, a spa and even a vegetable patch as a hobby for off-hours. These experiences are priceless!