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#PNSD, #Azione28 in Pisa

#PNSD, #Azione28 in Pisa

#PNSD, #Azione28 in Pisa

Today, coaches from the digital environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym - Luca Frogheri, Valentino Catricalà, Fiammetta Castagnini and Valentina Gelsomini - are in Pisa to train Tuscan digital coaches.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale collaborates in the training of digital coaches as foreseen by the National Plan for Digital School [Action #28 – A Digital Coach in Every School]. The Fondazione Mondo Digital will provide its experience with the Life Education Model, the digital environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym and expert new technology coaches.


The training day will be held at the Pisa Liceo Filippo Buonarroti, lead partner for digital coach training in the Province of Pisa.


The FMD contributes to the National Plan for Digital School by providing training in:


  • Molise - Istituto tecnico per il settore tecnologico G.Marconi, Campobasso (provincial district)
  • Piedmont - IIS G. Peano, Turin (regional district)
  • Tuscany - Liceo Buonarroti, Pisa (provincial district)
  • Veneto - IC Mussolente, Vicenza (provincial district for Verona, Vicenza and Belluno).

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