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From Places to People

From Places to People

From Places to People

The seminar on “From Places to People. The G.G. Belli School’s Formal and Informal Learning,” will be held today (March 2, 9 am – 1 pm) at the Istituto comprensivo G.G. Belli (Via Col Di Lana 5).


The objective of the initiative is to present the results of the research conducted by the National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policy (Inapp). During the morning, the programme features professors, project managers, librarians and Inapp Researchers as speakers together with students from the school who have experimented with the methodologies that promote the development of both formal and non-formal learning practices. Moreover, the documentary on “The Renato Nicolini Library in Rome,” which was produced during the research project by Inapp, will be projected.


Students at the Istituto G.G. Belli, a first-degree secondary school, will also be involved in two didactic labs on Youtopia Cards and Laughter Yoga, in which they will work on a creative problem-solving exercise, as well as the exchange of relations and good humour.


"Training for innovation, at school and outside" is the title of the presentation that will be held on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale by Rosy D'Elia [@Rosy_FMDigitale].


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