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Pitch Tour in Naples

Pitch Tour in Naples

Pitch Tour in Naples

After Rome [see news: Women Know How to Win], the Pitch Tour for young women participating in Project Women in Technology, promoted by Costa Crociere Foundation, stops in Naples, where the project will involve about 30 students from two schools: Marie Curie (managed by Headmistress Patrizia Poretta) and Tognazzi De Cillis (administered by Headmistress Sabrina Capasso). The didactic activities are coordinated by Professors Hernest Abate and Titti Giordano.


Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coach Cecilia Lalatta Costerbosa and School Innovation Coordinator Cecilia Stajano will be on site for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.  


The appointment is from 9 am to 4:30 pm at IIS Marie Curie in Naples [see Agenda].



  • Claudia Curci, ICT expert and Trinità dei Monti Think Thank Councillor
  • Flora Di Martino, Manager, Didactic Innovation and Office and Specialisation Area, Science Centre, Fondazione Idis, Città della Scienza
  • Michele Scotto Di Cesare, Professor, CPIA 1, Naples
  • Daniela Fiore, Manager, Education and Work Area, LESS Impresa sociale onlus


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