1 min.
Before the official launch of the portal and app, the EUReKA-A Key Access to EU Rights Project Consortium, funded by the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme, has organised an on-line seminar to share knowledge and discuss how to make free circulation in the European Union more "user friendly,” focusing especially on the impact of the pandemic. The seminar will be held next Thursday, July 8, at 10:30 on Zoom.
Managing the pandemic and making intra-EU free movement more “user-friendly”
EUReKA Project Mid-term Meeting
July 8, 2021, 10:30-12:30
Registration: EventBrite
Live streaming on the Idos YouTube Channel
- Luca Di Sciullo, President, Centro Studi e Ricerche Idos
- Antonio Ricci, Vice President, Idos
- Norbert Kreuzkamp, Acli
- Stanislava Rupp-Bulling, Project Coordinator for Fair Mobilität DGBl, Confederation of German trade unions
- Claudio Di Maio, “Roma Tre” University