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Pandemic and Innovation

Pandemic and Innovation

Pandemic and Innovation

The February issue of digital magazine "L’Integrazione scolastica e sociale" (Scholastic and Social Integration) published by Erickson hosts a contribution from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale on The Covid-19 Push in Italian Schools (“Prospettive e modelli italiani” Section).


Alfonso Molina, Mirta Michilli, Ilaria Gaudiello

The Covid-19 Push in Italian Schools

Volume 20, N. 1, February 2021

Read the Article [pdf]


In the article, authors Alfonso MolinaMirta Michilli and Ilaria Gaudiello analyse the evolution of distance learning and e-learning, the innovative drive engendered by the Covid-19 pandemic and the emerging opportunities of custom-tailored didactic activities and systemic innovation in school. E-learning (or electronic learning) and distance learning are practices that have old roots. E-learning can be traced back to the first applications on computers for learning and education in the fifties, while distance learning is even older and can be traced back to the 19th century with the first types of remote learning. The Internet has led to an integration of these two aspects and is currently experiencing an incremental development with the integration of artificial intelligence. The road is now open to develop didactic activities focusing on individual students. The authors present the solution devised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale — that has always worked on the creation of educational ecosystems placing people at the centre — to the health emergency in terms of project strategy and educational services. In conclusion, they add a few remarks on the main short-term issues and challenges that await Italy for the development of education.

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