In the past months, a few young women from the Liceo Classico Tommaso Campanella in Reggio Calabria participated in Project “Computer Science First Ambassadors” and earned a certification as Official Coding Ambassador [see news: Scientific Ambassadors and Games for Learning].
In an article published on the school newspaper and Facebook page, Angela, a student in class 3C, describes her experience as an ambassador.
“I was able to learn about the basics of coding, an essential element to understand today’s world. It was a beautiful, interesting and educational experience to identify new methods to experiment with technology in a fun, creative, safe, conscientious and exciting manner. Using the Scratch Platform, we learned to develop a videogame, how to develop our digital skills and integrate computer science into different subjects through multidisciplinary projects.”
“The course was reserved for women, because we are still a minority in this sector and very few women choose to study computer science. And this is still happening in the 21st century because people still think that this field is better suited to men, or because they believe there is no need for creativity, collaboration and social utility. These are stereotypes that, as young women at the Liceo Classico “Tommaso Campanella,” we have overcome by working on something new that was both involving and fund. It allowed us to discover that coding can be used as an educational tool. And we have become true ambassadors for this project.”
Read the article:
Coding: alunne del liceo classico “Tommaso Campanella” diventano Ambassadors ufficiali del progetto CS First (in Italian)
Project Computer Science First is promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in schools as the free platform developed by Google helps students develop computational thinking and soft skills in a fun manner, integrating them into the didactic activities of core curricular subjects with more efficient methodologies.
For further information:
- Curriculum Mapping
- Previous Editions
- Photo Gallery - CS First League
- CS First Stories: Angela | Mauro | Miriam