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Nonni SUD Internet: 1st Course in Potenza

I.P.A.A_G.Fortunato_MalvaccaroPote nza (3).JPG

Nonni SUD Internet: 1st Course in Potenza

Nonni SUD Internet: 1st Course in Potenza


The course, which starts tomorrow in Malvaccaro, Potenza at 2:10 pm, will be taught by 17 students from the second, third and fourth grades of the Istituto Professionale per i Servizi per l'Agricoltura e lo Sviluppo Rurale G Fortunato. The course will be attended by 13 elders, aged 57-77, from the Potenza Auser Centre.  
These are the six schools from the Province of Potenza participating in the Nonni SUD Internet digital literacy plan, developed in collaboration with Auser and Anteas:
  • Istituto Statale d'Arte
  • I.P.S.A.S.R. "G Fortunato", Lagopesole (Avigliano)
  • I.P.S.A.S.R. "G Fortunato", Malvaccaro
  • I.S.I.S. "G. De Lorenzo", Avigliano
  • I.S.I.S. "Ruggiero di Lauria", Lauria
  • I.S.I.S. "F. De Sarlo", Lagonegro
The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione per il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Projects action line.

The Project [pdf]


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