Meanness, threats, physical aggressions and intimidations on-line: “baby violence” affects one out of every five young persons, according to recent research. And in most cases, the violence – psychological, physical or verbal - take place where young men and women spend the most time: school.
Did you ever suffer bullying or cyberbullying? What happened? Where? Who did you speak about it to? Or did you not have the courage to speak to anyone about it? What initiatives do you believe should be implemented to contrast this dangerous silent phenomenon?
The Italian Association for Demographic Education (Aied) has launched the #NOBULLISMO – Voce ai giovani initiative, an on-line survey against bullying conducted in collaboration with Termometro Politico, to understand the world of youth, speak the same language and understand what lies beneath bullying and the reactions of the victims.
The results obtained from the answers that will be collected anonymously will be used to develop a study that will be presented on November 26.
AIED has also launched a brainstorming challenge to come up with ideas to promote the creation and diffusion of a society based on dialogue, liberty and safety. Registration opens on Monday, September 5.
To participate: