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Next Week’s Agenda

Next Week’s Agenda

Next Week’s Agenda

The last month of the year is about to begin, but only a few of our projects will end in 2019. We’ll review our activities in the coming days.


Upcoming events include the national presentation of the Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong Learning – IRDLL, organised by CEPS and Grow with Google. The event will be held in Rome on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at the Institute for Competitiveness (I-COM). Director General Mirta Michilli will participate in the event.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has been collaborating on the organisation of the Fiaba onlus  Digital Café at Binario F to review the status of School and Inclusion: Technology and Didactic Activities for a More Inclusive and Networked School. The appointment is on Thursday, December 5 (3-6 pm) at the Termini facility [see agenda].


Remember the two deadlines:


This week’s activities:

Five labs on artificial intelligence will be held at the Milan Microsoft House with Coaches Samuele Sciacca, Eleonora Arnese, Alessandro Zuliani.
Dec. 2, 9 am -1 pm, IC Pellico di Appiano Gentile
Dec. 3, 9 am -1 pm, IC Don Gnocchi di Arese
Dec. 4, 9 am -1 pm, ITIS P. Paleocapa
Dec. 5, 9 am -1 pm, IC Pellico  di Appiano Gentile
Dec. 7, 9 am -1 pm, IC Don Gnocchi di Arese

  • ABC Atelier
    The Regione Lazio Call for the "Free Course on Cultural Marketing Technician” promoted by the Ro.Ma. Consortium and the Gema Business School, aims to train a new generation of cultural marketing specialists. Fab Lab on Friday morning with Irene Caretti.
  • OpenSpace
    Steam activities will be held at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym at IC Madre Teresa di Calcutta in Milan.
  • Palestra dell'Innovazione
    This week’s labs will involve a wide range of targets, including a programme on Digital Competences and Orientation (former school-work programme) for students from the Rome Liceo Democrito with Coaches Daniele Vigo and Marco Brocchieri.
  • Vagone FMD
    Binario F will host 5 lab meetings
    Dec. 2 and 6: Facebook and Instagram Securely for students
    Dec. 3 If It’s Not Told, It Doesn’t Exist (last appointment) for third sector operators
    Dec. 4 Tinkering Making Coding for Kindergarten
    Dec. 5 Words Have Power! for students


As usual, over the weekend, the digital manufacturing lab (Fab Lab) at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is open to the maker community: Saturday-Sunday from 3:30 to 8:30 pm.


Google Calendar allows you to follow all scheduled events and save the activities you are interested in in your personal agenda.


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