Yesterday’s Council of Ministers established “urgent measures for public education” to “regulate the conclusion and regular beginning of the school year as well as state exams (law decree).”
The Italian Council of Ministers, following a proposal by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Education Minister Lucia Azzolina and University and Research Minister Gaetano Manfredi, approved a law decree introducing urgent measures on the regular conclusion and beginning of the school year as well as state exams.
The measures set a timetable for all the complex operations concerning the ending of the 2019-20 school year and the beginning of the 2020-21 school year, in view of the health emergency and the possible extension of distance learning beyond May 18, 2020.
The decree confirms the suspension of all educational outings, exchanges, guided visits and field trips of any kind for all schools for all of school year 2019-20.
Also see the news on the MIUR website (in Italian):
Azzolina: “Via libera al decreto sugli Esami. La valutazione dell’anno sarà seria e coerente con quanto svolto”