Last appointment for "Artists’ Works", the project that introduced the Dogana dell'Informagiovani (Via Dogana 2) in Milan to media art. Today, from 9 am to 1 pm, forty-five young students from the School Arte & Messaggio and Class 3B at IIS W. Kandisky in Milan, will meet with Marco Mendemi.
The meeting will serve to introduce students to the issues of media art and applied technology, providing cultural stimuli and artistic reference points that will allow them to understand the process of hybridisation underway, today. Videogames, social networks, multimedia platforms, immersive installations, eBooks, etc. are now used to create new cultural artefacts.
The lab is organised in three phases:
· Introduction to new Media Art with a particular focus on Game Art
· Introduction and presentation to the work and artistic pursuits of Marco Mendeni
· Guided debate on the relationship between new technology and artistic codes
Marco Mendeni, a visual artist, is a Professor of “Digital Image Elaboration” at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Verona but lives and works in Milan. His works are inspired by a wide range of fields: from science to music and from archaeology to new media. Mendeni allows viewers to reformulate the usual narrative codes and knowledge, drawing them into an invisible world through fiction, fantasy and memory.
Marco Mendeni’s works were exhibited at various international shows.