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NETH20 Wins in Pisa

NETH20 Wins in Pisa

NETH20 Wins in Pisa

Project “NETH2O” won the Pisa event organised for the Talent Tour promoted by Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Invitalia. Eight teams competed in the “AI & Robotics for climate Change” Challenge hosted by the “Polo didattico Porta Nuova” at the University of Pisa [see news: Challenge Today in Pisa].


The Challenge ideas described by the protagonists



First place went to Team "Elements Works," composed by Michele Grassi and Alessandra Licciardello. The project, based on a smart buoy with a drone to analyse inaccessible environments, aims to use artificial intelligence to collect and analyse data to evaluate the conditions of the sea. The NetH2O buoy, which is eco-sustainable and low cost, addresses a market that is still largely unexplored and has great potential.



Giovanni Cittadino and Eugenio Damiano placed second with Team "Megamaterials." Their idea was to increase the efficiency of silicon-based solar cells by using materials that amplify the frequency of photons in sunlight, improving their reception and the production of energy.



Third place went to Team "Blue Eco Line" composed by Lorenzo Lubrano Lavadera, Michael Mugnai and Ferdinando Virdia. Their project featured an automated system to intercept waste floating down rivers before they exit into the sea. The flexible and low environmental impact system can be constructed along riverbeds and integrated with current waste collection systems.



Congratulations and best of luck also to the other participating teams for their commitment and passion: "Dn360", "Ingeniars & Uni Pi", "Dip. Biologia, Teseco boNIFICHE E bIODIGRESSIONI", "wITHOUT waste Bioloop", "Mansarda creativa."


The objective was to involve future local talent in Tuscany. The project collected funding from a range of sectors, underlining the 360-degree commitment that is necessary to face the urgent challenge to contrast climactic change.

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