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A Neighbourhood for All Ages

A Neighbourhood for All Ages

A Neighbourhood for All Ages

As part of European Project Age-friendly Environments Activists, the Lunaria Association, with the patronage of Rome’s “Municipio II,” is organising a cycle of meetings dedicated to elders with questions and answers and the exchange of opinions and ideas entitled "A Neighbourhood for All Ages." The meetings will be held from 11 am to 1 pm at the council hall on Via Boemondo 7. Each meeting will end with a small refreshment.


Today’s meeting (Feb. 26), which will focus on the “Vulnerability and Rights of Elders,” will feature Marcello Pistilli, Computer Safety Expert and Blusa Blogger.



  • Representative of the State Police, Criminal Analysis Service
    Scams Against Elders
  • Angela Maria Piattella, Social Assistant, Technical Social Services, Municipio II
    The Rights of Elders: Guide to Services in Municipio
  • Gabriella Venezia, Spi-Cgil, Secretary General Rome, Rieti E.V.A.
    Unexpressed Rights
  • Luigi Ciatti, Ambulatorio Antiusura
    Protecting Oneself from Usury
  • Marcello Pistilli, Computer Safety and Privacy Expert, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
    Protecting Personal Data
  • Antonella Caridi, Notary
    Opportunities and Safeguard of Your Patrimony


Marcello Pistilli, a computer security expert and consultant to the Rome Courts of Justice, has been collaborating with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale since 2014. He also worked as social agent for a community of over-65s for Project Acting on active ageing. Besides providing training to over-65s on issue concerning on-line privacy and security, he curates the Blusa Blog (an acronym of User Blog for On-line Safety of Elders in Italian) hosted by



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