How is the role of women changing? If it’s true that we are born equal, who guarantees that we grow up with the same opportunities? Equality must exist at home, at school, at work, with friends and in every other context. This is the challenge of Project “Nati Pari” (Born Equal) promoted by the “Future is Now” Student Organisation in collaboration with the “Noisiamofuturo” Community of young Italians and the Gaeta Festival of Youth.
The project will be presented today – November 29 – at 11 am at the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana in Rome (Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana 4).
Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Manager, will be present in representation of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Follow the project on social networks with hashtags: #noisiamopari #parisinasce