Team SPQR from the "Antonio Ruberti" Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering at Sapienza University, in Rome, participated in Robocup 2016 (Leipzig, June 30 – July 3) in the Nao Football league with 34 other teams.
Team SPQR, coordinated by Prof Daniele Nardi and Engineer Domenico Bloisi, was the only Italian team competing amongst the global top-16 from 8 countries in all 5 continents: Germany (6 teams), USA (4 teams), Australia, Chile, China, Iran, Taiwan and Italy.
Unlike their peers on the national football team, the robots of Team SPQR showed great skill in penalty kicks. As a matter of fact, they won two games at the penalty shootouts against the Dutch Nao and the Japanese Camellia Dragons.
Moreover, Team SPQR placed 5th overall in technical challenges, which this year also included the exchange of messages amongst robots via sound and playing in an open field with regular sun light.