Damiano (20) studies languages in Milan. He has chosen to participate in the All4ll track at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop to discover how technology is changing and improving the world in which we live.
Damiano is a testimonial for the European eSkills for Jobs Campaign and the "My Future? It's Up to Me!" slogan. Damiano explains how we need two fundamental ingredients - believing in our ideas and trusting ourselves - to reach our personal and professional goals.
Best of luck, Damiano! We hope your tenacity and determination will lead you towards your goals!
The European Commission launched eSkills for Jobs, a communication and awareness raising campaign throughout 22 member states on the issue of digital skills. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has been selected by the organised (European Schoolnet and Digital Europe) to organize the 2015 and 204 campaigns in Italy. The main objective of the campaign is to bridge the European gap and misalignment on digital skills.
E-skills are essential for all professionals working in SMEs and for young unemployed individuals looking to enter the workforce. They are vital for companies that need highly qualified human resources. While Europe is still fighting a prolonged economic crisis, digital skills have become essential to help boost the economy and make our continent innovative and competitive.