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The Mouse Test

The Mouse Test

The Mouse Test

Last Wednesday, Jan. 11, Eleonora Curatola [@Eleonora_FMD] attended the first lesson of digital literacy project Grandparents On-line. Everyone’s Young at the Post Office at IIS Europa Unita in Chivasso, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Turin, where 23% of citizens is aged 65 or more.


Twenty citizens aged 65-85, equally distributed amongst men and women, returned to school at the institute managed by Headmaster Anna Boggio and where Professor Anna Facchini coordinated the didactic activities and the young tutors.



Here are their first impressions in interviews with Eleonora.


Caterina, 16, tutor



Leopoldo, 75, first ever encounter with a PC



"Prof" Daniele, 16, experiences the responsibility of teaching



Anna Facchini, Teacher: "Intergenerational learning is an excellent method."



The second edition of “Grandparents On-line. Everyone’s Young at the Post Office,” the digital literacy project promoted by Poste Italiane and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, involves 20 municipalities in various Italian regions to teach elders to use the Internet and introduce them to digital culture with the help of the young teachers.

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