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More On-line Security

More On-line Security

More On-line Security

A meeting will be held, today and tomorrow, to launch Project TRUST aWARE - Enhancing Digital Security, Privacy and TRUST in softWARE, financed by the European Commission Fund for "Citizens' Security" (Horizon 2020). The 36-month project (June 1, 2021, May 31, 2024) involves 12 partners from seven countries (Italy, Spain, Romania, France, Ireland, Czech Republic, and Finland). It will be coordinated by a Spanish company, Tree Technology Sa.


Users are often exposed to security and privacy (S&P) threats when they employ digital services to communicate, bank or participate in educational activities. These threats and vulnerabilities are related to many factors, such as inadequate software, bad user habits and a lack of regulations and certification methods.


In order to define efficient digital policy with a long-term outlook, it will be necessary to have data, information and a knowledge of privacy, data protection and relative ethical, legal and socio-economic aspects. The objective of European Project TRUST aWARE is to face the issues related to security, providing tools that can be used by a wide range of user types (including minors and elders) to provide mechanisms that will protect the freedom, security, and privacy of citizens, increasing trust in safe software.


In greater detail, the project will provide:

  • Easy use tools to protect consumers from IT threats (attacks, abuse, inappropriate behaviour on digital services) and allow them to understand, control, identify and correctly answer issues quickly, configuring their security settings.
  • Collective and collaborative intelligence (Authority for Citizens) to guarantee and verify that digital products and their use are transparent, secure and conform to regulations.
  • Knowledge to support developers and operators with certification standards and methods for conformity to security and privacy regulations.


The various actions that will be fielded by the TRUST aWARE partnership aim to reduce the impact of IT threats, making users more responsible, promoting collective awareness, and encouraging the use of digital products that respect S&P standards.



  • Tree Technology Sa, Spain (lead partner)
  • Fundacion Cibervoluntarios, Spain
  • Asociatia Infocons, Romania
  • E-Seniors: Initiation Des Seniors Aux Ntic Association, France
  • Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy
  • F-Secure Oyj, Finland
  • Trilateral Research Limited, Ireland
  • Fundacion Imdea Networks, Spain
  • Universidad Carlos III De Madrid, Spain
  • Centre National de La Recherche Scientifique Cnrs, France
  • Abi Lab-Centro di Ricerca e Innovazione per la Banca, Italy
  • Iot Lab, Czech Republic

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