The new web page dedicated to distance didactics was activate by MIUR yesterday and is now on-line to help schools with the health emergency caused by COVID-19. Health Minister Azzolina explains that it is a “work in progress” that will be constantly updated.
“Interested schools can access the tools and best practices, twin with schools that already have advanced experience in digital didactic activities, webinars, multimedia content and certified platforms for distance didactics.”
The web page is organised into various sections. The first contains materials and links to promote the exchange of good practices and twinning between schools. Over one hundred schools in the “Educational Avant-garde” movement headed by the INDIRE Association that identifies, supports and promotes didactic innovation, have agreed to act as “tutors” and twin with schools that introduce on-line didactics.
The second section provides schools with free access to the certified platforms for on-line didactics of partners collaborating with the ministry. Other companies and associations are joining the two calls opened by the ministry to gather help. Moreover, there is a section dedicated to material and content useful for lessons provided by partners such as RAI Cultura and the Treccani Encyclopaedia and an area with materials and initiatives held by other schools.