“Come on, get with it!” … “Try and react.” … “Come out and you’ll feel better.” These are just a few of the phrases that are often used when loved ones turn to us in moments of difficulty, or that we have faced ourselves at some point.
There are times, however, when those who hear these words are facing more than a momentary problem. They may not just be sad or demoralized. They may be depressed. And being depressed is an illness, not a mood.
Now, a new awareness-raising campaign against this still ignored and misunderstood pathology has kicked off with the slogan “You can’t win depression with words.” The campaign is promoted by Janssen with the Trio Medusa, and scientific and patient associations to break the silence and stigma that surrounds those who suffer from depression. The objective is to reach and help, over one year, 1.5 million patients and 4 million caregivers in Italy.
The campaign issues are at the centre of today’s Factor J workshop. Experts from the Progetto Itaca Association, together with Cecilia Stajano and Valentina Guerrera will meet with students from the Eugenio Bona (Biella) and Galileo Ferraris (Settimo Torinese) schools.
02.10 11.30-1:00 | Progetto Itaca Coaches, Cecilia Stajano (FMD) and Valentina Guerrera | IIS Bona - Biella and IIS Ferraris - Settimo Torinese
Factor J, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is the first Italian school curriculum for educating students to develop emotional intelligence, respect and empathy towards individuals suffering from unease of disease. This is an important social operation to stimulate a change in mentality and culture in the new generations.