"Grandparents On-line, What a passion!" is the title of the second live appointment held by teacher Cristiana Zambon to help children and pre-adolescents (8-12) to keep in touch with their grandparents through creativity and digital tools. The appointment is on Mondays on the TIM YouTube channel.
How can I teach my grandparents to use their smartphone to surf the web? Where can I easily and quickly find recipes? How can I catch up on a TV series?
The young digital coaches find out about how to become true teachers - Maestri d'Italia – thanks to teacher Cristiana Zambon [@ritaglidiclasse] who assigns a mission to her students at each new appointment.
With the complicity of teachers, parents and other adults, the feats of our young digital agents can be documented and submitted to: missionenonni@mondodigitale.org.
Use the same address for any questions or suggestions, to send drawings or any other kind of contribution that you wish to share with Cristiana or our other young Italian teachers.
Live training sessions are held every Monday (11-12) as part of Project Maestri d'Italia promoted by TIM as part of the national Operation Digital Risorgimento Programme.
On Monday, April 27, Cristiana will address sites and platforms to learn how to cultivate hobbies and passions: Youtube, Giallo Zafferano, Raiplay, free audiobooks, Pinterest.
All sessions are available on the TIM YouTube channel: click on "Nonno sei vicino, anche se sei distante" (in Italian) to see the first appointment.
Next Appointments
- April 27 - Nonno online, che passione!
- May 4 - Aiuto nonno a tenersi informato
- May 11 - Nonno diventa Social
- May 18 - Conservare e condividere i ricordi
- May 25 - Nonno è in casa, ma non si fa mancare niente!