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The Majorana Crowd

The Majorana Crowd

The Majorana Crowd

Imagining an urban regeneration and cultural business model, renovating a city area or building … this was the kern of the RoLAB Competition promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the United States Embassy in Rome to experiment with new development models and renovate abandoned areas in Rome. In the United States, culture has a greater turnover than agriculture, an approach that is lacking in Italy. Can a cultural business model be applied in Rome? How? The Ettore Majorana High School in Guidonia accepted the challenge and won with a four-and-a-half-minute video performance.



The article by Rachele Scoditti, which was published on July 28, was also published on the “Tiburno TV” on-line magazine: I ragazzi del Majorana danno virtualmente vita a un edificio dismesso sulla Tiburtina. The weekly dedicated an entire page to the project developed by the students at the Majorana High School in Guidonia that won the final phase of Project RoLAB, promoted with the United States Embassy in Rome [see news: Rome Live Art Lab]. The project was developed by three students in Class 5B, one in FE and six from 4E, coordinated by Professor Roberto Ianigro.


Edificio dismesso sulla Tiburtina

Così i ragazzi del liceo Majorana lo riportano virtualmente in vita

Read the article [in Italian, PDF]

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