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Live from the Labs

Live from the Labs

Live from the Labs

The International Erickson Conference on "DIDATTICHE.2016. Immaginare, sperimentare, innovare" (Didactics.2016. Imagining, Experimenting. Innovating) is underway at the Rimini Palacongressi.


The event formula allows each participant to custom-tailor his educational programme with over 50 choices (workshops, question time sessions, labs, simulated classrooms and interactive experiences in the digital arena). Many professors have chosen the activities held by Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coaches: Mauro Del Santo, Valentino Catricalà, Fiammetta Castagnini, Giorgia Di Tommaso.


The professors are curious, enthusiastic and committed. Here are their first opinions recorded by Cecilia Stajano, FMD School Innovation Coordinator.


Ascolta #Didattiche2016, il laboratorio "Smart Robot Ozobot"" su Spreaker.


Ascolta #Didattiche2016, la tecnologia per gli studenti con disabilità" su Spreaker.


Ascolta #Didattiche2016, laboratorio "Smart Ozobot Robot" 2" su Spreaker.


Ascolta #Didattiche2016, laboratorio "Smart Ozobot Robot" 3" su Spreaker.


Ascolta #Didattiche2016, laboratorio "L'arte ai tempi del tablet"" su Spreaker.

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