There are 1357 words in the Italian Constitution and “93 percent of the text is composed by basic vocabulary of the Italian language.” This was how Tullio De Mauro described the simplicity and modernity of the Italian Constitution at the Conference on "The Language of the Constitution" (16 June 2008). "A sentence must be composed of less than 25 words” to be clear and efficient, Tullio De Mauro explained. And, on average, the Italian Constitution has sentences composed of 20 words. Therefore, this can serve as a starting point for every new legislative act that must be made comprehensible not only to specialists, but to the workers themselves.
Tomorrow, Thursday, January 25, at 9:30 am, the Sala Koch at the Italian Senate will host a study day in memory of Tullio De Mauro, entitled “The Linguistic Rights of the Constitution”. The President of the Senate, Pietro Grasso, will welcome participants.
Event Focus
•The language and languages of the constitution
•Minority and regional languages
•The languages of the new minorities
Linguistic Rights of the Constitution
study day in memory of Tullio De Mauro
Rome, Jan. 25 – 9:30 am
Palazzo Madama, Sala Koch