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On-line Information

The long-standing project by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is currently in its fifteenth edition. Last week, Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], School Innovation Coordinator, inaugurated a new Grandparents on the Internet course at ISS Camillo Finocchiaro Aprile in Palermo, the school directed by Headmaster Fabrizio Mangione.


Here are the opinions of the participants in a series of short interviews.


Andrea Fossati, teacher, didactic innovation expert at USR Sicilia, participated in the “Training the Trainers” Week at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, and as an observer at the first lesson of Grandparents on the Internet in Palermo.



Giuseppe, 81, a full-time grandparent



Antonio D'Alia, Knowledge Volunteer



Double click: Grandma Teresa and tutor Marta



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