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From Light to Sound

From Light to Sound

From Light to Sound

The Noise Orchestra, composed by artists Vicky Clarke and David Birchall, is back at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym for the Artists in Residence Programme of Project European Light Expression Network (ENLIGHT), implemented as part of the Europa Creativa Programme.


For two weeks, Vicky and Dave will work in the Fab Lab to create a device capable of transforming light into sound through “creative” sensors. The devices will be built out of laser-cut wooden panels and assembled with 3D-printed materials.


The digital manufacturing tools will allow the artists to develop the work that they will present at the Media Art Festival 2018. The artists are assisted by Valentino Catricalà, Coordinator of Art and Media Programmes for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Artistic Director of the Festival, and Matteo Viscogliosi, maker, designer and Activities Coordinator at the Fab Lab.


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