“As far as I know, this is the first and only exhibition that has been conceived by and fully developed by makers and non-professionals. It’s a great opportunity to show what these people can do,” explains Giovanni Organtini, Physics Professor at the Rome Sapienza University and member of the exhibition operative staff. The group is already at work to develop the exhibition showcases for all the devices that will be on show at the university in October.
For the International Year of Light, Sapienza University of Rome and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale are preparing an exhibition on light that brings together all scientific and artistic aspects of light in an ideal continuation of the experience started with the recent Media Art Festival.
The exhibition, which will be inaugurated on the Night of Researchers (September 25, 2015), will be open to schools that request a visit until October 16. Then, for the Maker Faire (October 16-18, 2015), it will be free entrance. [see news: Making Light].
Who is Giovanni Organtini?
Giovanni Organtini is a physicist at Sapienza University in Rome, where he teaches Physics and Biotechnology and works on the CMS experiment at the LHC that led in 2012 to the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Prof Organtini is an active scientific divulgator and supporter of open source initiatives. When he isn’t at work, he spends his time with family and friends, cooking and trying out restaurants, always with a good glass of wine).