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“Light and Dark” Challenge

“Light and Dark” Challenge

“Light and Dark” Challenge

Yesterday, the 2019 Coding Girls Tour was in Salerno for a creative programming challenge with a record number of participants: 210 young women. Supervised by American super coach Emily Bradford, independent writer and software developer based in Silicon Valley, and 12 university tutors from the University of Salerno, the students collaborated on the focus of the eight challenge: Light and Dark.



The following schools participated in the hackathon:


The programme, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the United States Embassy in Italy in collaboration with Microsoft Italy, aims to promote gender equality in science and technology. The sixth edition will be held on November 5-22 and will involve 10,000 young women in 14 Italian cities.


The projects selected by the jury:


  1st Place

Team Eclipse

Martina, Alessandra, Wilma, Annachiara and Silvia - Liceo Liceo Imbriani

The sun decides to visit the Earth and finds it devastated by pollution and environmental catastrophes. The sun is covered by the moon, leaving the Earth in the dark in a perennial eclipse. All dialogue is in the local dialect.


  2nd Place

Team Dream Let Down by Reality

Sara, Greta, Stefania and Francesca - Liceo Parmenide

A young girl dreams about travelling and seeing the world, but pollution and uninterest may hinder her dream.



  3rd Place

Team Selfla

Letizia, Flavia and Serena - Liceo Mancini di Avellino

Fantasy animation that shows light and shadows fighting like fantastic animals.



Group photo of the young women at the University of Salerno who ran the challenge together with the American coach, coordinated by Professors Filomena Ferrucci and Delfina Malandrino [see news: Coding in Salerno].



Previous Challenges





La classifica delle precedenti sfide

  1. Supereroi con il camice [Torino, 5 novembre]
  2. L'intelligenza aumentata [Milano, 6 novembre]
  3. Strumenti per imparare [Bologna, 7 novembre]
  4. Se non ci fossero confini? [Trieste, 8 novembre]
  5. Storie di ragazze [Pistoia, 9 novembre]
  6. Coding Girls in missione [Pisa, 11 novembre]
  7. Il genio non è un mago [Cagliari, 13 novembre]
  8. Sfida su "Luci e ombre" [Salerno, 14 novembre]


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