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Leaving for Gijón

Leaving for Gijón

Leaving for Gijón

Double appointment for Project Make Learn Share Europe in Spain. From November 9 to 11, Gijón will host the Working Conference and Project Meeting with the six digital ambassadors from the Italian team [see news The Fab Six], Francesca Del Duca, Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coordinator and Annaleda Mazzucato, Project Manager.  


Two digital ambassadors - Valeria Cagnina (15) and Leonardo Falanga (17) – worked together before, when they participated in RomeCup2016 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome, as well as attending as summer camp at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Project Make: Learn: Share: Europe is implemented as part of the European Erasmus Plus Programme “Forward-looking Cooperation Projects” Action and addresses students aged 14-16 who wish to become more aware of their use of technology and create contents, rather than just enjoying them. The peer-learning project also plans to create a European network of young ambassadors for new technology. Each ambassador then trains other peers to collaborate in four sectors: robotics, coding, digital making and gaming.


In the video: a remote training session held by Valeria and Leonardo.


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