While, in some areas of the world, the development of competences is constant, the absence of strategies aimed at developing the competences of populations at risk of social marginalization will accentuate the trend towards an impoverishment of skills.
In Europe, ca. 20% of the adult population has low literacy and numeracy levels: 25% of adults do not have sufficient ICT skills in this rapidly evolving technological context.” [Isfol, I low skilled in Italia, 2016].
As emphasised by Tullio De Mauro, the “Rule of Five” continues to affect adults: adults who do not practice the knowledge they acquired at school regress by five years over the maximum level reached during youth. Even over-sixties, if adequately supported by educational processes, can continue to learn and gain no less than 5 years of functional and technological literacy.
New technology can play a strategic role in learning processes. And this is the challenge faced by the Project “IDEAL - Integrating Digital Education in Adult Literacy” (Erasmus+) Seminar, which will be held in Rome, at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, on Friday, May 12 (Via del Quadraro, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm) [see news: Learning as Adults].
The day will provide a unique opportunity to learn how to efficiently use digital tools and innovative methodologies to improve the quality of adult education in all contexts. The objective of the seminar is to share the results reached by Project IDEAL: practical tools and strategies to integrate innovative digital methodologies in adult education.
The graph shows how much different European countries invest in adult education. Lifelong learning is vital for the integration of the labour market. In 2016, it involved 8.3% of Italians aged 25-64. Italy, which invests slightly less in this area than the European average, places in the middle [Istat, Noi Italia, 2017].
Rome, May 12, 2017, ore 9 - 14.30
Fondazione Mondo Digitale
via del Quadraro 102
Participation is free. Further information on the programme and project are available at www.erasmusideal.com. Register on-line here.
The seminar will be held in English.
For further information:
Alessandra Fratejacci
E-mail: a.fratejacci@mondodigitale.org
Tel: +39 06 42014109.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research to train school personnel as established by Directive N. 170 – March 21, 2016 [see listed of accredited agencies]. School personnel participating in the seminar is exempt from work, as established by law.
Project IDEAL – Integrating Digital Education in Adult Literacy is a strategic partnership financed by the Erasmus+ Programme. The main target group is professors and trainers working with disadvantaged categories and adults at risk of exclusion. Six European member states participate in the project, coordinated by Luksia, Western Uusimaa Municipal Education and Training Consortium (Finland).