What are the most dynamic contexts in which learning processes blend with best of innovation, creativity, collaboration and determination? What are the most virtuous experiences?
These are the themes that will be addressed by the seminar on “Emerging Learning Environments: co-working, Fab Labs and universities,” organized by ISFOL that will be held today – May 27 – at the Rome Auditorium.
ISFOL has conducted a qualitative survey to explore the various innovative environments that are contributing to the re-invention of learning processes in education and the working world.
The seminar will serve as an opportunity to reflect on how learning is changing in work and educational contexts through the direct experiences of participants (university professors, co-working and fab lab managers, students, coworkers and makers) and the analysis of new collaborative learning, tools and strategies that improve the learning context and process, overcoming critical issues and identifying new perspectives for development.
Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Manager [@CStajano], will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with a presentation entitled "Innovation Coordinates: Human Capital and Environments" (12:00 in the session on “Learning, Development and Innovation” – see full programme).
The seminar is part of the European Maker Week, organized by the European Commission, StartUp Europe and Maker Faire Rome to promote culture and maker knowledge throughout Europe.