2 min.
Edoardo, who will turn 18 in just a few days, ended his fourth year at the IIS Via Copernico School in Pomezia and spent the first weeks of his summer vacation at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Summer School. He was fascinated by 3D modelling and what he discovered can be done in the Video Lab at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop.
In this interview with Francesca Meini, Edoardo shows the 3D tractor model that he developed with a course mate and which will be projected into a virtual environment thanks to a green screen. It will be a fantastic, yet realistic, woods scene with 3D animated objects.
“You can create much more than imaginable out of nothing,” explains Edoardo, who is not a dreamer, but a very practical young man.
The Officina – New Jobs Workshop is a project conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Google to promote digital skills and implement professional training and orientation activities for 10,000 young men and women currently looking for a job. The initiative has been organised with the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Regione Lazio and Roma Capitale.