1 min.
The on-line appointment is set for Thursday June 30 at 3-4 pm with Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Project FILE – Formazione Informatica per il lavoro e l’Empowerment Scholarship winners from Puglia will participated in the Project promoted by Unisco - Network per lo sviluppo locale as part of the Regional Operative Plan for Puglia 2007-2013 European Social Fund - Axis IV – Human Capital "Training Projects for Adult Education." The project has three partners: Comune di Bari, Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Istituto Quasimodo Melo.
Internet banking, e-commerce, e-government: the many areas touched upon by the didactic plan of the project include tomorrow’s appointment on digital inclusion and social innovation. The digital platform Phyrtual.org will be presented at the event.