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The meeting of the seven partners will take place tomorrow in Rome. The delegations from Italy, UK, Greece, Romania, Spain, Turkey and Switzerland have already arrived in Italy and will meet tomorrow at the offices of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the lead partner for “The Knowledge Volunteers”.
Approved in July, the Grundtvig Programme project addresses the challenge of active ageing and promotes social and digital inclusion via the intergenerational learning method and peer learning.
Tomorrow, the first phase will officially kick off with all the planned activities. The meeting will be coordinated by Silvia Celani, International and National Projects Manager for FMD.
- Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- University of Edinburgh
- NGO 50plus Hellas (www.50plus.gr)
- Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta www.srep.ro
- Fundetec (Spagna) [pdf]
- Provincial Education Directorate of National Education City of Manisa (Turchia) [pdf]
- ICVolunteers (Switzerland)