Job Digital Lab
Thurs, 19/11/2020
Would you like to improve your digital competences, update and requalify? ING Italia and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale have developed a free educational programme that can be custom-tailored to one’s needs.
On Tuesday, November 24, from 12 to 1, we will present “Job Digital Lab.” The first session will welcome Alessio Miranda, Country Manager, ING Italy, a leading digital enterprise, and Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Participants will be able to listen to their views and exchange ideas on the opportunities and challenges of the present and future labour market.
To participate in the event, register on Go To Webinar (limited places available).
The challenge of this original alliance between ING Italy and Fondazione Mondo Digitale is to help people seeking work and increase job opportunities and professional reinsertion by providing them with a greater awareness of their potential and improving their digital skills.
The course includes interactive events with innovative learning methodologies, Digital Academies conceived for the jobs of the future, Start Labs for female enterprise and digital literacy courses.
For further information:
Tel. 06 42014109