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It’s Not Just a Post

It’s Not Just a Post

It’s Not Just a Post

Project Social Hosting Hub is many things together: prevention of hostile language, education on safe web surfing and a full digital citizenship, as well as much more.


In 40 seconds, this video recaps the issue of misinformation to begin explaining to young men and women in first-degree secondary school that it is important to identify fake news.



Project Social Hosting Hub is one of the winners of the Impact Challenge on Security, a fund that helps non-profit organisations developing practical and real solutions to contrast hate and extremism, and to help children be safe on- and off-line. The objective of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and partner organisations Action AidComunità di Sant'Egidio and Parole O_Stili, is to create and coordinate the first phyrtual (physical and virtual) ecosystem made of connections, relations and communities.




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