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Italian Makers in New York

Italian Makers in New York

Italian Makers in New York

Il prossimo week end a New York si svolge l’ottava edizione della fiera “Maker Faire”, la principale manifestazione di riferimento a livello mondiale per il settore della manifattura avanzata.


Over the weekend, New York will host the eighth edition of the Maker Faire, the global reference event for the advanced manufacturing sector.


Fifteen Italian enterprises, start-ups, makers and Fab Labs coordinated by the Agenzia ICE in collaboration with Innova Camera, will participate in the Maker Faire at the New York Hall of Science, including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Olivetti.


The objective of the Italian mission, the ICE Agency explains, is to “provide greater visibility to the top personalities in the advanced manufacturing sector and provide support and assistance to Italian enterprises, start-ups, makers and Fab Labs promoting innovation with high impact technological projects, products and solutions.”


Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Coordinator, and Matteo Viscogliosi, Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab Coordinator are in New York for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

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