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IoT at School

IoT at School

IoT at School

High school courses continue for the new Internet of Things Lab at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym. Young men and women have the opportunity to experientially acquire skills and knowledge that will be useful to explore the professional opportunities provided by our interconnected world and face the job market with confidence.


Today, the Phyrtual Innovation Gym will welcome students from the Maffeo Pantaleoni School in Frascati for a lab with Coach Luca Frogheri.


Project IoT at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is an initiative developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Cisco, a leading company in Italy, to stimulate creativity and innovation in young men and women and enable them to successfully face the challenges of the digital economy.


Project Press Review (in Italian)


Corriere Innovazione

L'Internet delle cose entra nelle scuole italiane per dare opportunità di lavoro: Da adesso fino al 2019 un team di professionisti delle robotica insegnerà i rudimenti dell'Iot a circa 20mila studenti delle scuole superiori

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