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The Intelligence of Music

The Intelligence of Music

The Intelligence of Music

In a fascinating musical performance, artificial intelligence will perform a duet with a musician for the opening of the 13th edition of the RomeCup, hosted by the Roma Tre” University on April 2-4, 2019.


In this telephone interview with Fiammetta Castagnini, the Director of the Department of Engineering – Roma Tre UniversityAndrea Benedetto, explains the university’s contribution to the event, which will contaminate and accompany activities like a musical background: from the showcase area to the orientation talks.


The Department shows how robotics is becoming a part of all engineering specialisations, develop new research from precision agriculture to submarine robots.


"Extracurricular opportunities such as the RomeCup enrich the transversal competences, culture and knowledge of our students,” explains Director Benedetto. "We believe that robotics can provide a fantastic contribution to all our areas of interest.”


The Roma Tre Department of Engineering will bring a wide range of interesting activities to RomeCup, including European Project Pantheon, the new degree programme in Sea Engineering, nanorobotic prototypes, self-driving vehicles, Project In Codice Ratio, Archaeo Track and many more. Over the coming weeks, we will meet the department team and look into projects and prototypes with other interviews.


Ascolta "ROMECUP 2019: Intervista ad Andrea Benedetto, direttore Dipartimento di Ingegneria di Roma Tre" su Spreaker.

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