3 min.
A play on the subject of integration in five languages, an exhibition on international craftsmanship traditions and the presentation of the project results. It’s the final event of A2/A4 - Family Format School, a project financed by EIF and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with the Istituto comprensivo di San Demetrio Ne’ Vestini and the Sirentina Mountain Community. The event will be held at the San Demetrio Ne’ Vestini School on Wednesday, May 30th 2012 at 10 am.
In the Province of L’Aquila integration is now also intergenerational. The students at the San Demetrio Ne’ Vestini School have become true intercultural knowledge mediators and the school has turned into a formative centre for the entire population. The integration and cooperation objectives obtained by Project A2/A4-Family Format School exceeded all expectations. The Project project financed by EIF and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with the Istituto comprensivo di San Demetrio Ne’ Vestini and the Sirentina Mountain Community.
The results will be presented on May 30, 2012 (10 am) at the Istituto Comprensivo di San Demetrio Né Vestini in the Province of L’Aquila, along with a play entitled “White Cloud” that will be performed in Albanian, Italian, Macedonian, Romanian and Polish. An exhibition will also be held on craftsmanship traditions – ranging from Romanian Spouse lace needlework to the Abbruzzi “crocicchio” technique – in representation of the countries of students and parents involved in the Project Also duing the morning, the newly elected Student Mayor will be receive a scholarship in memory of Lorena Lisi, a victim of the Twin Towers Terrorist Attack in New York.
Together with students, teachers, and foreign and Italian families, participants also include:
• Silvia Celani, Project Coordinator for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale
• Lucia Di Giulio, Headmaster IC San Demetrio Ne' Vestini
• Luigi Fasciani, President of the Sirentina Mountain Community
• Sabrina Pace, Prefecture of L’Aquila
In the Abruzzi Region, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is also lead partner for the Immigrant World - New Local Sensors Project,financed by the EIF Fund and promoted by the Prefecture of l’Aquila. The project will deploy three permanent and one mobile helpdesks to meet immigrant citizens in the area of l’Aquila and the Marsica, as well as publishing a multi-lingual informative brochure to promote access to services. The partnership includes the Leonardo and Nuovi Orizzonti Social Cooperatives and the Fraterna TAU Onlus Association.