We are collecting all the speeches held at the twelfth edition of RomeCup 2018 (Rome, April 16-18, 2018) in a playlist on the Fondazione Mondo Digitale’s YouTube Channel.
While we wait for the official clips filmed by the production crew at the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University, which hosted the first two days of the event (April 16-17), we have uploaded a number of speeches that were filmed with mobile devices.
The following speeches are already on-line:
· Felice Barela, President, Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
· Raffaele Calabrò, Rector, Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
· Maria Chiara Carrozza, Professor of Indusrial Bio-Engineeing (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa) and Scientific Director, Fondazione Don Gnocchi
· Alessio D’Amato, Health Councillor, Regione Lazio
· Massimo Inguscio, President, CNR
· Flavia Marzano, “Roma Semplice” Councillor
· Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
· Virginia Raggi, Mayor of Rome